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أسطوانة العجلة المسننة

  • We have a complete range of the highest quality sprockets for roller chains
  • Our wide range enables any need to be met: we manufacture single, double and triple sprockets and plate wheels;
  • pilot bore or for taper bush; in standard sizes that go from 8 to 125 teeth;
  • pitches from 03B-1-2-3 to 32B-1-2-3 for the ISO standard or BS British standard.
  • from pitch 35-1-2-3 to 240-1-2-3 (types A, B and C) in accordance with the ASA American
  • They are produced in C45 Uni 7847 steel (or GG-25 cast iron according to type and size) or in AISI-304 stainless steel in order to offer a product with an excellent finish and precision
  • We supply roller chains and sprockets according to drawingswith material specifications and additional treatment s such as heat hardening, chrome plating, zinc plating and blued steel.
  • All the dimensions and finishes are in accordance with current international standards, and all our products have ISO 9001manufacturing certification,
  • with our sprockets and plate wheels, you are assured of precise accuracy in the pitch of the most demanding chain.

See all the technical specifications in our catalogue.

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